Rakesh Sethi, BS, CAHP

Wellness Speaker/ Author/ 

Ayurvedic Practitioner

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Turmeric Health Benefits in Preventing Cancer and How to Use?

Posted on: December 29th, 2010 by Rakesh Sethi 15 Comments

Turmeric health benefits are numerous and is considered one the most valuable cancer preventing foods and an herbal medicine.   Turmeric brings strong medicinal antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immune enhancing, and detoxifying properties.  Just about half a teaspoon (2000mg) of turmeric consumed per day in the diet regularly could eliminate DNA damage characteristic of aiding cancer development.  But preventing cancer is not all; there are many other significant turmeric health benefits in the following conditions:

1.  Treats skin inflammation diseases like eczema, psoriasis as it is cooling herb, removes excessive heat and cleanses liver.

2.  Treats indigestion, dyspepsia, suppresses inflammation in stomach, prevents & treats ulcerations of all kinds including gastritis & colitis (Irritable Bowl Syndrome).

3.    Helps tremendously with the hemorrhoids pain & skin inflammation.

4.  Helps curb bleeding & other fluid excesses and pulls in prolapsed tissues so it is good for “wet” macular degeneration plus works for other inflammatory conditions in the eye.

5.  Turmeric is also a blood purifier.   It is anti-diabetic and will help normalize blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

6.  It is a mild menstrual regulator and the best spice for woman to move stagnant blood.

7.  Turmeric is also known as a respiratory herb.  It reduces cough and sinus congestion when gargled or consumed in boiled milk.  Again its anti inflammatory properties reduce sore throat and combined with its anti bacterial properties it can be used to treat bronchitis.  It is also good for asthma.

You can not afford to be without turmeric health benefits in your diet.  By the way USA is the largest importer of Turmeric from India (largest producer of Turmeric). US uses Turmeric almost exclusively to add yellow color to mustard.  Please do not start consuming excessive amount of mustard in your diet.  I would recommend following ways to take in with your daily routine:

Half a teaspoon (2000mg) in tea or milk

or if easier, take 1-2 organic Turmeric capsules (500mg each) after lunch & dinner

Caution:  Do NOT use if pregnant or have Bile duct blockage

If you are not using turmeric in your diet then you are missing numerous turmeric health benefits. I would suggest to get some new recipes start including as part of your cancer prevention foods diet.   If you liked this article then biggest compliment you can give is by sharing the wellness with others and spread this awareness.  Be Well!

Rakesh Sethi

PS:  To know more if you are Eating Right Foods as per your unique Mind-Body constitution, subscribe to FREE mini course below to discover your constitution:

Share your comments, thoughts and suggestions below. I appreciate your time & will take the time to read every single one!


Right Eating and Herbs Help You Lose Weight Naturally and Fast

Posted on: November 27th, 2010 by Rakesh Sethi 10 Comments

You will discover here how to lose weight naturally and fast using natural and less expensive remedies you can practice at home. Before discussing the usual diet & exercise for losing weight, I want to introduce the term Body Constitution. This is an important intelligence that will help you understand what are your weight gain and weight loss tendencies and work with them.

You and everyone else is put together with their own unique body constitution.  For our purpose, we need to discuss 3 different body constitution types but focus on the one that has the highest probability of gaining and trouble losing weight:

  1. One body constitution type typically light weight if gains weight can loose it quickly.
  2. The second body constitution typically medium weight, good muscles but does not gain weight easily.
  3. The third body constitution type typically large gains weight quickly in pounds but looses slowly in ounces.

woman measures her stomach with a tape - lose weight naturally and fastIt is the third body constitution type that has inherent tendency to be bigger & heavier than the other two types. The standard medical height & weight guidelines do not apply to this third body type.   However, if you fall in the third type, no worries; this in itself does not place you at higher health risk.  But because of the inherent body tendencies, you will need to be more vigilant about weight gain, especially as you get up in the years. Typical health risks for this body type are diabetes, high BP, and high Cholesterol.

How to Lose Weight Naturally and Fast Techniques?

Before starting, I want you to ask yourself at what weight you feel full of energy, vivacious, and good about yourself. This is the optimum weight for you and you should try to maintain yourself within + or – 4 pounds of this weight. Follow the do’s & don’t’s of lose weight naturally and fast guidelines that can be easily used at home.

1. Don’t’s- what to avoid?

  • Ice cold drinks with or before meal (No sodas)
  • Raw vegetables, salads etc. as a meal or in large proportions
  • Heavy fried foods and red meats (do not eat anything doesn’t come out in 24 hours or less)
  • Cheese, Sweets, ice cream, & sugary temptations
  • Alcohol (If you must small glass of wine 1-2 times a week)
  • Overeating

2. Do’s- what to eat?

  • Warm cooked foods
  • Oats, Barley, Quinoa, Basmati Rice, & Millets (No other grains)
  • Fish, Chicken in moderation, substitute legumes (rich in protein) for meat
  • All vegetables especially include Bitter Guard (Bitter Melon) 2-3 times per week. Download recipes from internet for cooking Bitter Guard. Add ginger in almost every meal to your taste.  Add pinch of red pepper to your taste, if you can tolerate.
  • Only sunflower seeds (avoid all other nuts)
  • Berries, grapefruit, pomegranate, apples
  • Use light oils like sunflower
  • Drink 2-3 cups of Ginger tea per day
  • Do mindful eating & listen to your body when full. Make the middle meal your biggest meal of the day.
  • Keep Fast once per week with only one light meal in the middle of the day

3. Yoga Postures (optional but will additionally help you lose weight naturally and fast)

Pranayama, Sun Salutation, Most forward or backward bend poses, Cobra, Downward Dog, Upward Dog, and Shoulder Stand poses.  Start slowly if you are not doing any exercises then increase frequency & intensity.  If you are doing some other form of exercise, just continue that. Do exercise 3 to 4 times per week.

4. Herbal Supplements

After dinner & lunch take 1000mg of Triphala and 1000mg of Guggulu.

Imagine in 4 short weeks you would lose weight naturally and fast, improve your health, appearance, live at your suitable weight, and cleanse your body of toxins.

NOTE:  After reaching your suitable weight, continue maintaining with taking Triphala but stop taking Guggulu.

Thank you for your time and attention.  If you liked this article then biggest compliment you can give is by sharing it with others.  Be Well!

PS:  To maintain your right weight, learn to Eat Right Foods suitable to your unique Mind-Body constitution, subscribe FREE to “simple secrets to good health with right eating” mini course.

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