Rakesh Sethi, BS, CAHP

Wellness Speaker/ Author/ 

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Connecticut Shooting: Sickness in Society Demands Solution

Posted on: December 16th, 2012 by Rakesh Sethi 2 Comments

Did you feel the pain after the news of Connecticut shooting? Every time we hear news like this we suffer. How many times do we have to anguish through shooting incidents like this? I don’t have the answer. But we must stop this!

Being a father I feel so much grief. Today I want to talk about why it is happening? I want to talk about wellness in the society we live in. I would like to share some thoughts and would invite your thoughts.


My first thought- The society is a large living “organism” and you are a small extremity of it. If the society is sick that sickness impacts your wellness as well. More and more, especially the young, live in isolation disconnected from real human contact. Electronic devices, especially texting and social media, has minimized or almost eliminated human contact. No warm handshake, no face to face, not even hearing voice. It is like bunch of electrons communicating with each other. It seems as if a human is reduced to a robot with “user name”. A robot doesn’t have human sensitivity, compassion, and consciousness. Is this what we call progress for human beings? You decide

Second thought- Consciousness in our society is dwindling day by day. It is being replaced by greed in individuals and corporations alike. You are no longer judged by your character rather by possessions and bank account. I understand we are going through economic crisis. But I believe there’s a bigger crisis at hand, the consciousness crisis. In the last three decades we have moved towards measuring profitability in dollars so much so that we have forgotten about profitability in the human happiness and wellness. Society, corporations, and individuals are focused on the bottom line. It is a race to improve the bottom line while it is taking everyone to the bottom. For example, right after Pres. Obama’s reelection few corporations, and I won’t name them, took the stand almost immediately that they are going to either increase prices to cover for healthcare or lay off workers or reduce their hours, all to keep the profitability in dollars. Imagine if the corporations had sacrificed a little on bottom line and thought about profitability in terms of employee’s wellness. Such corporations would take a leadership role in exhibiting corporate consciousness in times of consciousness crisis.

I am opening this subject for discussion. With any crisis come opportunities. I would love for you to think of ideas and share here, with your friends, place of work, or with your congressman. If you have influence in any place where you can make a change, become a catalyst of change.  Will Connecticut shooting be the shooting incident to change the course we are on, I don’t know? But one thing is for sure that there is consciousness crisis in our society today and yours, your families and friends wellness is at stake so what are you going to do about it.

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2 Responses

  1. Gerri says:

    Concerning the Connecticut shooting…It is an illusion to think that any Society has been “perfect and non-violent” at any time in human history. However, we must admit that we are a violent culture,,,view the nature of today’s television programming, violent video games, the anonimous nature of the internet, physical abuses of children by trusted clergymen. One core element here is an immoral “big business” concept that allows the manifacture and sale of weapons to any individuals and groups that have the money to purchase them. I am a grandmother who fears for the future of my grandchildren.

  2. Alexandra says:

    Allowing unregulated use of weapons, feeding our kids junk that interfere with their cognitive skills, numbing them down with drugs that alter their behavior, exposing them to violence through video games, toys and the media, together with the lack of parental and human support and guidance is recipe for such a disaster.

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