Rakesh Sethi, BS, CAHP

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Health Conscious: Are You Born with This or Not?

Posted on: August 29th, 2011 by Rakesh Sethi 4 Comments

Body’s natural state is health and it inherently gravitates towards health. No one doctor can give you health from outside. The outside sources can only help to remove diseases. Once the disease is removed, body restores itself to its natural state, health.

I think when it comes to health most people are health conscious and have an inkling of what is right choice and what is wrong. Then why is it that people often take the wrong choice? Okay I will accept in some cases people do not know but what about most people who hear and see many times what they ought to be eating and doing. Still they do not follow the advice, and knowing very well, take wrong decisions and land themselves a disease. What happened to their health consciousness?

Sense objects, in this case food, can have enormous power over one’s mind, even when the mind is healthy. And if one is going through depression, this power is even more gripping. Mind gets carried away by the senses; sight, smell, and taste of food. And the next thing you know is that outside elements have grab hold of your senses; as a consequence senses control your mind, and influence your decisions affecting your inner wellbeing.

The irony is your inner self is equipped with health consciousness and intellect, remarkable tools, to take decisions. However, yet your mind continues to take decisions without consulting with your health consciousness and intellect. You need to change the direction of taking your decisions.

Let the health consciousness guide your intellect to take a decision for inner wellbeing while the intellect keeps your mind under its strict control so it would not to be taken for a ride by the outside (sense objects). This is the right direction in taking decisions. Health consciousness, this “natural intelligence” resides within us. You are born with it! No one thing or person can “install” the natural intelligence from outside. Just because you don’t access it, it doesn’t mean you do not have it. You already have it in you, but it is dormant. It needs to be awakened.

You just need someone or something to awaken your consciousness to make you health conscious. This someone or something becomes the enabler for awakening the consciousness. It could be a person or perhaps even this article. You just need to find your own “enabler”.

You cannot lead your life by taking decisions at the surface level, namely under the influence of sense objects, and depending on external quick fixes, for example diet pills. You must take control of your life by taking decisions from the “depth” of your being. Stop taking decisions at the “surface” level. When consciousness, intellect, and mind are in agreement, lasting wellness dwells there. Isn’t it time you awaken your consciousness to become health conscious? Be Well!

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4 Responses

  1. Venkat S says:

    Very good post Mr.Rakesh. We have lost our health conciouseness but animals continue to have.

    The pictures are also good

  2. “I think when it comes to health most people are health conscious and have an inkling of what is right choice and what is wrong.”
    This statement assumes that most people are conscious.That is where the problems lie. All the medical field assumes, because they know better, that most people really understand. They are all wrong. If people really understood the world would not be so sick.
    With all the experts, health care pros, exercise and nutritional experts, the world is getting sicker and sicker. Does that tell you something?
    Let’s assume that people do not know and go from there.Please, please never assume that someone knows something just because you do.The medical field is all wrong, when it comes to why people eat poorly.
    Thee Quest For Perfect Health

    • Rakesh Sethi says:

      Pierre, Thanks for your feedback. The article suggests that while people are born with health consciousness, they necessarily do not act from it. So in spite of having health consciousness, they make wrong choices due to reasons mentioned in the article. So their health consciousness has to be awakened. It does not assume that just because you are born with it, you will use it. Again thanks for bringing this point to the surface. Be Well! Rakesh

  3. Thanks for a great article. I am positive that every baby coming out of the womb is health conscious and knows exactly what is good for her/him.
    It seems so complicated to revive this inner knowing or to peel the layers off to come to this essential knowing. Yet, inner knowing or health consciousness is still there and all you need to learn is to remember it.

    Walking in nature, or a trance-like/hypnotic/deep relaxation state is helpful for me to remember my true essence and what is good and right for me. 🙂

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