Rakesh Sethi, BS, CAHP

Wellness Speaker, Author, & Practitioner


The anti-aging and wellness strategies used by most people do not produce the results they hope to achieve. Wellness speaker and author Rakesh Sethi, BS, CAHP, proposes an approach, found only in the ancient science of Ayurveda, that focuses on the individual’s mind-body constitution.



Powerful Anti-Aging Strategies Offered By Rakesh Sethi, Author Of ‘Health Plus Happiness Equals Wellness’

We try many things to slow down aging – anti-aging foods, anti-aging drugs, hormones, diets, pills and surgery. Wellness speaker Rakesh Sethi, BS, CAHP, author of ‘Health Plus Happiness Equals Wellness’, says the most powerful strategy lies elsewhere.
[ Wilmington NC, October 22, 2013 ] Everybody wants to slow the aging process and remain healthy. We try many things – anti-aging drugs, anti-aging pills – hormones, foods, diets, pills and various types of cosmetic surgery. Most doctors tell us the key to aging gracefully is to exercise and eat healthy. Regardless of the approach taken, the health benefits achieved by these anti-aging methods can be limited for some people and practically non-existent for others. Anti-aging strategies, if not applied intelligently and with care, can create even more problems than they solve. Why is this so?Because every person is unique. What is healthy and promotes wellness for one person may not be healthy for another. What works for one person may produce no benefits at all for another. There is no easy, one-size-fits-all answer for everyone. Every person has a unique constitution. Therein lies the real key to success for those who hope to achieve long-term wellness and dramatically slow the aging process.

“Healthy living” Sethi stated, “based on the Ayurvedic medical system can take an individual’s health to a whole new level and slow down the aging process. The key word here is ‘individual’. Every individual is unique. There are 5 key points we must understand:

1. Before you embark upon your healthy living path, you must know what makes your body-mind composition unique. Eating and living healthy revolving around your unique composition creates a personalized wellness path which can really slow down aging throughout your life.

2. Healthy living, utilizing your unique composition, facilitates your body’s inherent ability to heal itself. Your body is self-sufficient. It is the wrong thoughts and foods that compromise its ability to live in health.

3. Once you start to eat and live according to your unique mind-body constitution, you create less stress and toxins in your body systems. You live disease free. That is the underlying secret to really slow down aging naturally.

4. On your personalized wellness path, you promote health and participate in your wellness every day.  This is the true definition of practicing preventive care and living disease free. Practicing preventive care is NOT taking tests to find out if you have a disease or not. Prevention is what you practice prior to taking those tests.

5.Your wellness path is your own personal healthcare reform. There is no healthcare reform for you unless you take charge to reform your own health.

In the tradition of health professionals such as Deepak Chopra, and as a Certified Ayurveda Healthcare Professional, Rakesh Sethi bases his approach on Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a health-management approach that encourages wellness, rather than a disease-management approach that treats illness. In Sanskrit, ‘Ayur’ means life, and ‘Veda’ means science. This unique medical science addresses the whole person – not just the physical being. For millennia, people have recognized the power of the mind-body relationship and its importance to overall health and wellbeing.

In addition, Ayurveda medical science addresses each individual as an entirely unique person. Unlike traditional Western medicine’s one-size-fits-all approach, the Ayurvedic medical system recognizes that everyone has a unique mind-body constitution.

“My goal,” Sethi continued, “is to help clients discover their unique mind-body constitution and to teach others how to participate in wellness every day. I introduce people to the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, combined with a scientific, practical approach that makes sense for our modern society. My hope is to inspire people to make life-long changes, so that they might live in health.”

Rakesh Sethi offers a wide range of both wellness products and services. He is a keynote speaker and presenter on wellness and has spoken at many Fortune 500 companies including Chevron, AT&T, Blue Shield of CA and others.

A large number of articles on specific health topics are available at his website and blog. He offers wellness consultations, wellness coaching, wellness workshops and wellness webinars. He considers workplace wellness to be at the top of his priority list and is available for speaking engagements, workshops and seminars for companies and corporations of all sizes. A no-charge ebook entitled ‘Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally’ is available for those who sign up for his newsletter.

Rakesh Sethi is available for media interviews and speaking engagements and can be reached using the information below or by email at rakesh@truewellnessgroup.com. His recent Ayurveda book, ‘Health Plus Happiness Equals Wellness’ is available at the website at https://www.promotehealthwellness.com. More information on all of the above is available at the True Wellness Group website at http://www.PromoteHealthWellness.com.

About Rakesh Sethi:

Rakesh Sethi, BS, CAHP, graduated from UC Berkeley with a Bachelor of Science degree with courses in pre-med, engineering, and computer science and was employed by Hewlett-Packard. In 1987 he started reading the Vedic scientific philosophies and other scientific and philosophical books. In particular, the Tao of Physics resonated with him, because it presents a scientific way to understand our nature from both a philosophical and physics standpoint. This insight, combined from philosophy and science, connected the dots for him and helped him to understand his purpose and his responsibility as a human being.

As a result of his new focus he came to understand that health and happiness lead to true wellness.

Rakesh offers wellness consultations, wellness coaching, wellness workshops and wellness webinars. He serves as a keynote speaker and presents workshops and seminars for companies and corporations on a wide variety of topics including workplace wellness. He is the author of an Ayurveda book, ‘Health Plus Happiness Equals Wellness’. The book has received very positive reviews from both laymen and medical professionals.


Rakesh Sethi

Wellness in the WorkPlace Can Be a Reality!

Rakesh Sethi’s presentations offer a fresh, practical message to create a healthy workplace.


5,000 Years and Counting…

The Ayurvedic medical system has flourished for millennia – because it works!

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