Rakesh Sethi, BS, CAHP

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Natural Remedies for Arthritis

Posted on: June 19th, 2013 by Rakesh Sethi 3 Comments

Arthritis in two words is joint inflammation. However, the word arthritis is widely used to describe diseases that cause stiffness, swelling, and pain in joints. In its severe form, arthritis is perhaps the most debilitating disease and cause of disability for people 65 and older. The most common form of arthritis is the degenerative joint disease, which is also known as osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis is basically deterioration of joint cartilage with age, more severe in Vata body type. The cartilage surface wears, deteriorates, inflames, and eventually may get completely worn out. It leaves joints without cushion in between the bones. The bone on bone friction causes pain and limited joint mobility. The disease progresses as you age.

For 55 years and older, it is the beginning of “Vata age” which means increase in Vata energy. As Vata increases, particularly in Vata body type, a person has difficulty retaining fluids in the tissues. The loss of “juices” in the body creates more dryness. The dryness leads to lack of lubrication in joints. It further adds to stiffness and pain. To make matters worse, increase in Vata initiates other Vata issues like loss of restful sleep. Without restful sleep, the arthritis pain feels even worse.

 remedies for arthritisTo date there is no cure for arthritis. However, the progression of the disease can be halted or even reversed somewhat. Ayurvedic treatment offers natural means to manage and improve on this condition, so you enjoy the quality of your life without the side effects of drugs. Ayurvedic treatment starts with Vata pacifying diet; avoid cold, dry and light processed foods; in general eat warm cooked foods with healthy fats and oils; eat juicy nourishing foods; and include turmeric in your recipes. Turmeric has incredible anti-inflammatory properties. In addition add Tulsi (holy basil), grape juice, and green tea. All have distinct properties to inhibit inflammation and thus inhibit pain.

A study1 was conducted with some people taking Ayurvedic herbal formula which included Ashwagandha, Boswellia, zinc, and turmeric and others taking placebo. People taking the formula showed significant reduction in severity of pain and significant improvement in joint mobility. Osteo relief is Herbal Support for joints bones- tabletsYou can purchase a similar formula, Osteo Relief in our online store. You can also purchase individual herbs in our online store. Ashwagandha is one of the main proven herbs for pacifying Vata energy. It supports the body to build, grow, and restore tissues at the age when body is losing tissues. Therefore, Ashwagandha is a godsend herb for osteoarthritis, during which tissues are deteriorating. Work with your practitioner to determine what is right for you.

Besides diet and herbal supplements, add a regular Ayurvedic massage to your lifestyle. Ayurvedic massage plays an all important role in slowing down osteoarthritis. Massage oil, especially with Ashwagandha, replenishes the lost juices and strength. The oil supplies moisture to tissues and lubrication to joints. In fact a gentle Ayurvedic massage has dual benefits. Besides addressing the lubrication issue, massage also addresses the sleep by promoting sound sleep. Restful sleep nourishes the body and increases its threshold to deal with pain.

If you strictly stay with the recommended diet, lifestyle, and herbal supplements, you can slow down the progression of the disease or may even reverse the disease. Think about it, all with the natural means for the disease that has no other cure.

1 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1943180

Treatment of osteoarthritis with a herbomineral formulation: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study.  Kulkarni RRPatki PSJog VPGandage SGPatwardhan B.

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3 Responses

  1. turmeric says:

    This is a very nice informative post about arthritis. Your suggestions are quite interesting I might say. I will try to look deeper into it. Thanks

  2. Rose clubb says:

    I’ve been diagnosed with 3 forms of arthritis in 59 years young and have had 3 spine surgeries due to the osteo,
    I also have your and posoriac, wonderful I know, was on mexthotrexate, didn’t work, I will not take bio logics, so I’ve been eating good veggies , fish., fruit,
    Need assistance..

    • Rakesh Sethi says:

      Follow the recommendations in the article. If you want to go deeper, learn more about VATA pacifying diet. Slowly change diet regimen and add the missing diet links. See Ayurvedic practitioner as needed.

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