Rakesh Sethi, BS, CAHP

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8 Simple Steps in Lowering Blood Pressure Quickly & Naturally

Posted on: June 4th, 2011 by Rakesh Sethi 4 Comments

High blood pressure (hypertension) is perhaps one of the most common ailments in people over forty. Lately because of the life and diet style, high blood pressure is showing up in people in their twenties and thirties. High blood pressure is often called a “silent killer” and must take actions in lowering blood pressure quickly.  One way is to take a prescription drug in lowering blood pressure quickly. This may be desirable for an immediate short term fix. However, any medication taken for a long term can have ill effects on the body systems. So I would like to offer a natural alternative for lowering blood pressure and keeping it low naturally in the long run.


For natural remedy to work in lowering the blood pressure quickly, you need to understand the potential causes of high blood pressure and MUST eliminate them. The most important causes of high blood pressure are stress and a wrong style of living. You can assess from the following which of the causes apply to you:

  • Continuous living under stress and tension- if such a lifestyle continues for a long period, the high blood pressure could become permanent even if the stressful lifestyle is altered or removed
  • Continuous consumption of high fat, low fiber, refined foods, and processed food diet
  • Excessive usage of alcohol, smoking, caffeine (coffee, tea, & cola drinks) in lifestyle can cause disruption in natural process of cleansing and detoxifying body systems. This disruption results in lodging of poisonous waste and toxins in the blood vessels walls and that hardens the blood vessels and or can form blockage.
  • Sedentary lifestyle combining with the above causes results in obesity and diabetes, and that can lead to high blood pressure
  • Recent studies have shown lack of sleep (5-6 hours) to increase risk of high BP by 350%

Natural Remedies in Lowering Blood Pressure Quickly and maintaining it low:

Carefully assess your life and diet style. Remove the leading causes contributing to the high blood pressure. Now follow the natural remedies in lowering the blood pressure quickly:

  1. Take a tablespoon of Amla (Indian Gooseberry) fruit juice (if desired with honey, as it is very sour) with breakfast.
  2. Take 8 to 12 oz. of Concord grape juice or black cherry juice per day.
  3. Take 2500 to 3000mg of garlic per day. That is about a clove of garlic with two meals.
  4. Squeeze fresh lemon or sprinkle lemon juice on lightly cooked vegetables.
  5. Eat real natural food (absolutely avoid refined processed foods that can stay good on the shelf for months). Replace processed food snacks with fresh fruits or vegetables. If you are familiar with Ayurvedic diet, follow the Kapha pacifying diet.  If not, you can learn it here.
  6. Exercise- 30 minutes of walking, bicycling, swimming, or jogging is an excellent help to relieve tension, retain muscles, and promote healthy blood circulation
  7. Yoga exercises such as sun salutations, crocodile pose, fish pose, dead man pose, vajrasana, and particularly pranayama are beneficial. However, if the blood pressure is 200mm or greater, please consult your doctor before taking on exercising.
  8. Make sure to get 7 hours of sleep every night.

Herbal Support:  Take BP Balance herbal formula as directed to help balance your body’s long-term response to stress and its effects. Take organic garlic vegetarian capsules, if you cannot eat the cloves.

Please note if you are already taking a high blood pressure medication, work with your doctor while you incorporate these changes in your diet and lifestyle. As you progress in time with these natural remedies, you will not require any prescription medication in keeping blood pressure lower. Make sure to consult with your doctor before discontinuing your medication. Be Well!

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4 Responses

  1. luis Carlos Castellanos says:

    I wish to promoute your plans and health care……..What can i do.

    Luis Carlos Castellanos

    • Rakesh Sethi says:

      Thanks, I appreciate your support. First you may write a short note on your site and link back to promote health wellness. You may mention that I offer free 30 minutes consultation on a specific health condition, goal, and assessment. After that if one likes we can continue the natural wellness plan consultations on a personal payment plan. Most of the time the goal is either health promotion (also strengthening) or disease prevention. You can also email to your database with link back to page(s) of the articles you find will be useful for your people in your database. My site is all free wellness information and I appreciate your efforts in spreading the wellness to others. If you have another idea, please contact me, Be Well, Rakesh

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