Rakesh Sethi, BS, CAHP

Wellness Speaker/ Author/ 

Ayurvedic Practitioner

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Simple Mind Cleanse Techniques to Reduce Stress

Posted on: December 26th, 2010 by Rakesh Sethi 4 Comments

Close-up of a woman with eyes shut and a stress If we don’t brush & floss everyday, gingivitis develops creating fowl smell & gum disease. Similarly, if we do not perform mind cleanse everyday, we risk mental sickness. You see mind is like a river flowing with full of new thoughts and emotions every second of the day. Myriad of thoughts & emotions, rational or irrational, just hang around and pollute the mind “river.”These thoughts & emotions must be processed daily otherwise they block the mind “river” and cause stagnation resulting accumulation of brain trash or stress. Once we clear the blockages, we reduce stress.

The challenge is to identify which thought & emotion is rational and which is irrational.  This is where our Intellect has to jump in and start earning its keep. Our Intellect must separate the crazy irrational thoughts & emotions and immediately discard or reject them. If for some reason our Intellect is compromised, we will mistakenly accept irrational thoughts and start to live with them creating confusion, conflicts, stress, and  basically brain trash. These thoughts need to be “flushed” or “metabolized”.

I suggest use the following techniques for mind cleanse & to reduce stress:

1. We must keep our Intellect sharp and available.  Always be aware of your intellectual state. Note the Intellect is not sharp & available when we are angry, depressed, or under the influence of alcohol, drugs, etc.  Our thinking ability gets warped or completely stops.  Become free of these influences first. It is impossible to reduce stress when the very tool, your intellect, that helps you “flush” brain trash is not available to you.

2. Watch out for the Ego!  When a compulsive thought of anger, depression or sensual craving comes in mind, our self-centered conditioning & Ego loves to give attention to it. Mind you a thought has NO power of its own. All the power is in the attention we give. So break undivided attention to selfish & destructive thought by reciting your favorite Mantra. Once the Mantra takes hold, connection between the thought & your attention is broken. The idea here is to have something to break the attention and I have found any Mantra (your favorite) will do the trick and reduce stress. You feel light and your mind becomes available for other tasks.

Remember, it is the good old 80/20 rule. Only 20% of the thoughts are worth paying attention to and the other 80% must be quickly rejected.  Once we get rid of the 80%, we have more of our selves available for the real 20% that make a difference in our lives. Thus we accomplish in our life what we really need, keep our mind cleanse of clutter and reduce stress.

If you liked this article then biggest compliment you can give is by sharing i and showing others simple techniques to reduce stress.  Be Well!

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