Rakesh Sethi, BS, CAHP

Wellness Speaker/ Author/ 

Ayurvedic Practitioner

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Simple Secret to Health: You Are What You Digest

Posted on: February 3rd, 2011 by Rakesh Sethi

Health and wellness subject matter is my passion.  In my years of practice I have discovered one simple secret you are what you digest!  Your wellness plan must be designed around your unique mind body constitution by selecting foods, herbs, & spices that favor your uniqueness.  Here the right eating to promote health takes on a whole new meaning. You can read more about my professional services and products on achieving true wellness at workplace and in your life.

woman eating One size doesn’t fit all so what may be healthy food for one person may not be so good for another. The old saying “you are what you eat” needs to alter a bit to “you are what you digest”.  To have an optimum digestion, you must eat foods suitable to your body constitution. In Ayurvedic context- it is selecting and eating foods to suit your Physio-psychological (mind-body) constitution. The Ayurvedic intelligence stems from an age old proven Natural Medical system of Ayurveda.  Ayurveda (ai-ur-veyda) is health management system. See more Ayurveda tips for good health in another article.

Here I am focusing on the physical body and how to keep it balanced and healthy.  I’ve put together a free mini-course outlining simple ways to help you get started quickly. Everybody is built with unique Mind-body constitution. You must discover yours.

This FREE course is designed to teach you the essentials of Ayurvedic science; what is body constitution, how many different types are there, how to take a test to assess your body constitution. Right eating means not only selecting healthy foods but those healthy foods that are favorable for your unique body constitution digestive ability. So on this basis, you are what you digest.

In this FREE ‘Mini’ Course, You’ll Learn:

  • The #1 most overlooked factor when it comes to preventive care and promoting health (balance) in body systems…
  • 3 dominant energies that pulsate in every one of us and are present in different proportions…
  • What makes you and every one else unique…
  • What does balance means in a person and what is balance for one person may not be a balance for another person…
  • How to determine and assess your own unique Mind-Body constitution
  • One size doesn’t fit all.  You must select suitable foods as per your Mind-Body constitution type- you are what you digest…

I would highly recommend you to take this first step to lifetime wellness.  Right eating as per Ayurveda promotes optimum digestion which is a cornerstone of preventive care.  This is a foundation for building and promoting health and true wellness naturally.  Should you decide to access this free mini course, you will receive the first lesson immediately via email and followed by a new lesson everyday till the last lesson is delivered.
Be Well,
Rakesh Sethi, BS, CAHP

“Girl eating” Image courtesy of  Ambro at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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